Capital Financing for the Wave of Your Future
Joint venture financing is similar to a partnership in that it must be created by agreement between the parties to share in the losses and profits of the venture. Even though our Clients may not start out looking for partners, they recognize the value of sharing equity over "straight" debt financing. As a result, through joint venture financing, our Clients can reduce the amount of their personal capital at risk but still focus on the goal to achieve project funding. Also, for Clients lacking the experience necessary to fulfill the debt lender's requirements, specific potential joint venture partners have the track record to satisfy this. Depending on the Client's financial strength and/or experience, joint venture financing may be the only financing strategy to assure their project funded.
Equiventure Capital has access to many private sources of joint venture financing for all asset types. Below are the joint venture parameters.
We will consider Multifamily, Retail, Industrial, Office, Residential Development, Hospitality, Student Housing, Assisted Living Facilities, Charter Schools and Condominium projects for the following types of investments:
- Development
- Recapitalizations
- Conversion Renovations
- Aquisition
- Refinance
All 50 states as well as internationally
$10,000,000 to $1 Billion+
3-5 Years. Since the duration of the joint venture commitment will affect the investor's risk analysis model, Equiventure Capital will advise the Client on establishing realistic investor return strategies
Joint Venture Investor Participation Amounts up to 80% of the Equity requirement
Depending on project dynamics, sponsor suitability and deal structure Joint Venture/Equity Investor will target between 25% and 75% profit participation